movements speak

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I speak three languages every day. Dance is my first, Swedish and English are my seconds.

I’ve never been good at expressing myself with speaking words. Writing is better and I feel much more comfortable with that, but if you really want to get to know me, look at my body language, I speak it throughout the day….sometimes along with making weird sounds or singing:)

For as long as I have lived, I’ve always been asked to “sit still” or “be quiet”, and I felt very trapped in the way I could express myself. That’s why I’ve always turned to open spaces for weirdness > dance classes, performing on stage, teaching dance and that’s also why I started writing.

// and then I met a man who has never ever told me to stop being me…and I married that man🥰 //

There’s a difference between being an annoying person in wrong situations and being a person who simply just has the need to get some weirdness out of the system from time to time🤪
Embrace your weirdness. Speak your language.

What’s your languages?

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